For Thursday (8/31)

For Thurday (8/31) and Tuesday (9/5), let’s start our Wikipedia project.

First, you’ll need to create a Wikipedia account and enroll in our course project.  You can do that by clicking this link.

When you choose a username for your account – – try to choose one close to your real name, i.e. a username that lets me know it’s you.  For instance, if I were creating a Wikipedia username for this project, I might choose one like “lhanley2001,” or “HanleyEB,” or “LarryH666,” etc.

After you’ve created a Wikipedia account and logged into our project dashboard, you’re ready to start working.  For Thursday and Tuesday, finish the tasks associated with Week 3 (9/03 – 9/05).

You should also be thinking about possible articles you’d like to author.  On Tuesday, bring in five possible topics for a new Wikipedia article.  (Write these down on a piece of paper – – before you arrive in class.)