For Tuesday, November 28

Due to ongoing labor action, Tuesday, November 28, will be our last class session together.  A few things to keep in mind include:

  • if you haven’t gotten the green light from me on your Wikipedia article draft, do not transfer your article to Wikipedia.  Do continue to work on your draft.  The closer you can get to publication-ready, the better off you’ll be.
  • whether you’ve published your draft to Wikipedia or it remains in your sandbox, do write up the reflective essay on your Wikipedia experience.  The rubric for this essay can be found under Week 13 in our EduWiki Timeline or you can start by clicking here.
  • your reflective essay should be published in a new Wikipedia sandbox, preferably titled “Reflective Essay.”  (Can’t remember how to create new sandboxes?  Here’s your how-to.  Do not email or give me the essay in hard copy.

We’ll meet in class on Tuesday, November 28, to close out any final business and to big our fond farewells!